Interface Http

  • public interface Http
    Provides the interface to HTTP requests.
    • Method Detail

      • registerHttpRequestInterceptor

        void registerHttpRequestInterceptor​(java.lang.String host,
                                            IHttpRequestInterceptor httpRequestInterceptor)
        Register an interceptor for an HTTP request directed to a specified target host.
        host - the host. It can contain wildcard (e.g. *
        httpRequestInterceptor - the interceptor to capture the HTTP request before it is sent to the server
      • executeHttpRequest

        HttpResponse executeHttpRequest​( uri,
                                        HttpMethod method,
                                        HttpHeader[] headers,
        Executes an HTTP request. Consumers should call HttpResponse.close() when the content of the response has been consumed.
        uri - the uri to contact
        method - the HTTP method
        headers - the headers of the request
        content - the content of the request, or null when there is no content. For methods GET and DELETE this value is ignored
        the resulting response