Interface IGetRequest

    • Method Detail

      • getRetrievalSchema

        IRetrievalSchema getRetrievalSchema()
        Returns the format of the data to be retrieved.
      • setRetrievalSchema

        void setRetrievalSchema​(IRetrievalSchema retrievalSchema)
        Sets the format of the data to be retrieved.
        retrievalSchema - the format to set
      • shouldRetrieveCount

        boolean shouldRetrieveCount()
        Returns whether this request retrieves also the count of the rows, when there isn't set a result limit.
        whether this request retrieves also the count of the rows
      • setRetrieveCount

        void setRetrieveCount​(boolean shouldRetrieveCount)
        Sets whether this request retrieves also the count of the rows, when there isn't set a result limit.
        shouldRetrieveCount - this defines whether this request retrieves also the count of the rows
      • getQueryTimeout

        int getQueryTimeout()
        Returns the execution timeout of all the queries executed for this request.
        the query execution timeout
      • setQueryTimeout

        void setQueryTimeout​(int queryTimeout)
        Sets the execution timeout of all the queries executed for this request.
        queryTimeout - the execution timeout in seconds