Interface IUser

  • public interface IUser
    Represents a Mendix user, corresponding to a System.User object.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      ILanguage getLanguage()
      Returns the language of the user.
      IMendixObject getMendixObject()
      Returns the Mendix object that corresponds to this user, which is an instance of System.User.
      java.lang.String getName()
      Returns the user name.
      java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getUserRoleNames()
      Returns the names of the roles that the user has.
      java.lang.Boolean isActive()
      Returns whether the user is active and is allowed to log in.
      java.lang.Boolean isAnonymous()
      Returns whether the user is anonymous.
      java.lang.Boolean isBlocked()
      Returns whether the user is blocked and is temporarily not allowed to log in.
      java.lang.Boolean isWebserviceUser()
      Returns whether the user is a web-service user.
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        java.lang.String getName()
        Returns the user name.
      • getUserRoleNames

        java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getUserRoleNames()
        Returns the names of the roles that the user has.
      • isAnonymous

        java.lang.Boolean isAnonymous()
        Returns whether the user is anonymous.
      • isWebserviceUser

        java.lang.Boolean isWebserviceUser()
        Returns whether the user is a web-service user.
      • isBlocked

        java.lang.Boolean isBlocked()
        Returns whether the user is blocked and is temporarily not allowed to log in.
      • isActive

        java.lang.Boolean isActive()
        Returns whether the user is active and is allowed to log in.
      • getMendixObject

        IMendixObject getMendixObject()
        Returns the Mendix object that corresponds to this user, which is an instance of System.User.
      • getLanguage

        ILanguage getLanguage()
        Returns the language of the user.