Interface MicroflowCallBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface MicroflowCallBuilder
    extends ActionCallBuilder
    Provides a builder for building a microflow call. The builder can be used to add arguments and eventually call the microflow.
    • Method Detail

      • withParam

        MicroflowCallBuilder withParam​(java.lang.String name,
                                       java.lang.Object value)
        Adds the specified parameter to the microflow call.
        name - the name of the parameter
        value - the value for the parameter
        the updated builder
      • withParams

        default MicroflowCallBuilder withParams​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> params)
        Adds multiple parameters to the microflow call.
        params - the parameters to add
        the updated builder
      • inTransaction

        MicroflowCallBuilder inTransaction​(boolean executeInTransaction)
        Specifies whether the microflow should be called in a transaction scope. This setting is ignored when executing the microflow as a background task.
        executeInTransaction - true if the microflow must be run in a transaction; false otherwise
        the updated builder
      • withRetry

        MicroflowCallBuilder withRetry​(int numberOfAttempts,
                                       java.time.Duration interval)
        Description copied from interface: ActionCallBuilder
        Performs the specified number of retries if the execution of the action fails with an exception. A fixed delay is used in between the retries. This setting only applies to actions that are executed as a background task.
        Specified by:
        withRetry in interface ActionCallBuilder
        numberOfAttempts - the maximum number of times to retry
        interval - the time to wait in between attempts
        the updated builder
      • withExponentialRetry

        MicroflowCallBuilder withExponentialRetry​(int numberOfAttempts,
                                                  java.time.Duration initialInterval)
        Description copied from interface: ActionCallBuilder
        Performs the specified number of retries if the execution of the action fails with an exception. An exponentially increasing delay is used in between the retries. The interval doubles each time, up to a maximum of 1 day. This setting only applies to actions that are executed as a background task.
        Specified by:
        withExponentialRetry in interface ActionCallBuilder
        numberOfAttempts - the maximum number of times to retry
        initialInterval - the time to wait before the first retry
        the updated builder
      • withExponentialRetry

        MicroflowCallBuilder withExponentialRetry​(int numberOfAttempts,
                                                  java.time.Duration initialInterval,
                                                  java.time.Duration maximumInterval)
        Description copied from interface: ActionCallBuilder
        Performs the specified number of retries if the execution of the action fails with an exception. An exponentially increasing delay is used in between the retries. The interval doubles each time, up to the specified maximum. This setting only applies to actions that are executed as a background task.
        Specified by:
        withExponentialRetry in interface ActionCallBuilder
        numberOfAttempts - the maximum number of times to retry
        initialInterval - the time to wait before the first retry
        maximumInterval - the maximum time to wait in between attempts
        the updated builder