Interface XPathQueryBase

    • Method Detail

      • execute

        java.util.List<IMendixObject> execute​(IContext context)
        Retrieves object list using the given context (synchronously).
        context - the context to be used to process this request
        the list of retrieved objects
      • executeRaw

        IDataTable executeRaw​(IContext context)
        Retrieves data table using the given context (synchronously).
        context - the context to be used to process this request
        the data table containing the raw data
      • executeAggregateLong

        java.lang.Long executeAggregateLong​(IContext context)
        Retrieves long aggregate value based on the given query (root element of the query should be an aggregate function, e.g. "COUNT(//System.User)") (synchronously).
        context - context to be used to process this request
        the aggregate value
      • executeAggregateDouble

        java.lang.Double executeAggregateDouble​(IContext context)
        Retrieves double aggregate value based on the given query (root element of the query should be an aggregate function, e.g. "COUNT(//System.User)") (synchronously).
        context - context to be used to process this request
        the aggregate value
      • setVariable

        XPathQueryBase setVariable​(java.lang.String name,
                                   java.math.BigDecimal value)
        Sets a variable with a value of type BigDecimal

        Adds a BigDecimal variable In XPath queries it is possible to add variables. A variable can be denoted with '$', e.g. a valid query syntax could be '//Entity.Ref[field >= $limit]'.

        name - name of variables referenced in the expression (without '$') and their values
        value - variable that represents a literal BigDecimal value
        the updated query instance
      • setVariable

        XPathQueryBase setVariable​(java.lang.String name,
                                   boolean value)
        Sets a variable with a value of type Boolean

        In XPath queries it is possible to add variables. A variable can be denoted with '$', e.g. a valid query syntax could be '//Entity.Ref[field >= $limit]'.

        name - name of variables referenced in the expression (without '$') and their values
        value - variable that represents a literal Boolean value
        the updated query instance
      • setVariable

        XPathQueryBase setVariable​(java.lang.String name,
                                   double value)
        Sets a variable with a value of type Double

        In XPath queries it is possible to add variables. A variable can be denoted with '$', e.g. a valid query syntax could be '//Entity.Ref[field >= $limit]'.

        name - name of variables referenced in the expression (without '$') and their values
        value - variable that represents a literal Double value
        the updated query instance
      • setVariable

        XPathQueryBase setVariable​(java.lang.String name,
                                   int value)
        Sets a variable with a value of type Integer

        In XPath queries it is possible to add variables. A variable can be denoted with '$', e.g. a valid query syntax could be '//Entity.Ref[field >= $limit]'.

        name - name of variables referenced in the expression (without '$') and their values
        value - variable that represents a literal Integer value
        the updated query instance
      • setVariable

        XPathQueryBase setVariable​(java.lang.String name,
                                   long value)
        Sets a variable with a value of type Long

        In XPath queries it is possible to add variables. A variable can be denoted with '$', e.g. a valid query syntax could be '//Entity.Ref[field >= $limit]'.

        name - name of variables referenced in the expression (without '$') and their values
        value - variable that represents a literal Long value
        the updated query instance
      • setVariable

        XPathQueryBase setVariable​(java.lang.String name,
                                   IMendixObject object)
        Sets a variable with a value of type IMendixObject

        In XPath queries it is possible to add variables. A variable can be denoted with '$', e.g. a valid query syntax could be '//Entity.Ref[field >= $limit]'.

        name - name of variables referenced in the expression (without '$') and their values
        object - variable that represents a IMendixObject value. Will be replaced by it's identifier in the query
        the updated query instance
      • setVariable

        XPathQueryBase setVariable​(java.lang.String name,
                                   IMendixIdentifier identifier)
        Sets a variable with a value of type IMendixIdentifier

        In XPath queries it is possible to add variables. A variable can be denoted with '$', e.g. a valid query syntax could be '//Entity.Ref[field >= $limit]'.

        name - name of variables referenced in the expression (without '$') and their values
        identifier - variable that represents an identifier of an object
        the updated query instance
      • setVariable

        XPathQueryBase setVariable​(java.lang.String name,
                                   java.lang.String value)
        Sets a variable with a value of type String

        In XPath queries it is possible to add variables. A variable can be denoted with '$', e.g. a valid query syntax could be '//Entity.Ref[field >= $limit]'.

        name - name of variables referenced in the expression (without '$') and their values
        value - variable that represents a literal String value
        the updated query instance
      • setVariable

        XPathQueryBase setVariable​(java.lang.String name,
                                   java.util.Collection<?> values)
        Sets a variable with a value of type Collection

        In XPath queries it is possible to add variables. A variable can be denoted with '$', e.g. a valid query syntax could be '//Entity.Ref[field = $values]'.

        name - name of variables referenced in the expression (without '$') and their values
        values - variable that represents a collection of values
        the updated query instance