Interface IMetaPrimitive

  • public interface IMetaPrimitive
    Represents the type of an attribute member of an entity (IMetaObject).
    • Method Detail

      • getDefaultValue

        java.lang.String getDefaultValue()
        Returns the default value for this attribute type.
        the default value
      • isVirtual

        boolean isVirtual()
        Returns whether this attribute type is virtual.
        true if this attribute type is virtual, false otherwise
      • getValueType

        IMetaPrimitive.ValueType getValueType()
        Returns the value type of this IMetaPrimitive.
        the value type
      • getLength

        int getLength()
        Returns the length of this attribute type (if applicable).
        the length
      • getName

        java.lang.String getName()
        Returns the name of the attribute this meta primitive refers to. In the case of System.User#isAnonymous the result would be "isAnonymous". That is, there is no reference to the entity.
        the attribute name
      • getParent

        IMetaObject getParent()
        Returns the parent object of this attribute type, that is the IMetaObject on which this IMetaPrimitive was declared. In case of inheritance, this will be the 'base' object. For example the attribute Administation.Account#isAnonymous is inherited from System.User. Therefore calling accountMetaObject.getMetaPrimitive("isAnonymous").getParent will return the meta object corresponding to System.User.
        the parent object
      • getVirtualActionName

        java.lang.String getVirtualActionName()
        Returns the name of the associated microflow of this virtual attribute type (if applicable).
        the name of the microflow if this attribute type is virtual, or null otherwise
      • getEnumValues

        java.util.Collection<? extends IMetaEnumValue> getEnumValues()
        Returns the enum value of this attribute type (if applicable).
        the enum values if this attribute type is an enum, or an empty collection otherwise
      • hasMetaDataAccess

        boolean hasMetaDataAccess​(IContext context)
        Returns whether the specified context has access to this attribute type.
        context - the context to check
        true if the context has access, false otherwise
      • getEnumeration

        IMetaEnumeration getEnumeration()
        Returns the enumeration when this attribute type is an enumeration.
        the enumeration
      • shouldLocalizeDate

        boolean shouldLocalizeDate()
        Returns whether dates should be localized for this attribute type.
        true if dates should be localized, false otherwise
      • isDecimal

        boolean isDecimal()
        Returns whether this attribute type is decimal.
        true if this attribute type is decimal, false otherwise
      • isNumeric

        boolean isNumeric()
        Returns whether this attribute type is numeric.
        true if this attribute type is numeric, false otherwise
      • getModelGUID

        java.util.UUID getModelGUID()
        Returns the identifier of the modeled attribute which is the base of this attribute type.
        the identifier of the modeled attribute