

作者:AlbertWen  添加时间:2017-10-29 21:24:25  修改时间:2025-03-29 06:27:10  分类:Linux软件安装/参数优化  编辑

使用 Deepin 过程中,发现当点击“任务栏”上面的按钮,尤其是右键单击,选择菜单时,界面很容易卡顿,再也动弹不了。




(1) 模式 -> 选择“高效

(2) 位置 -> 选择“

(3) 大小 -> 选择“

(4) 状态 -> 选择“一直隐藏

2、安装 tint2,打开终端(Ctrl+Alt+T),然后输入下面的命令

sudo apt-get install -y tint2

3、配置 tint2

(1) 按住  Super 键,会看到如下 2 个图标


(2) 设置“开机启动”


(3) 选择“主题”

单击上图2,有2个主题可选,这里我选一个“扁平化”风格的主题,然后点击按钮“Make default

(4) 设置 “启动器”快捷按钮

上图,点击按钮“Edit Theme”,选择“Launcher”选项卡,从右边的“Application available”中,选择常用的软件图标,然后会出现在“Application selected” 面板中,中间的 上、下、左、右 可用调整选项和上下位置。


(5) 调整右键单击任务栏图标行为

默认情况下,右键单击任务栏图标,会关闭该软件,,,可以到“Task buttons ”选项卡中,调整这一行为,找到 “Right click”, 选择“None”。


(6) 更改“激活的”任务栏图标的字体颜色为“黄色”


(7) 调整“任务栏”左右边距(其实是调整任务栏的长度)

Panel -> Geometry -> Length,填入92,单位下拉“Percent”

注意:因为 屏幕的四个角都有可触发动作的锚点,为避免冲突,所以任务栏的长度不要设置为 100%

(8) 调整右下角时间格式

Clock -> Format -> First line format: %H:%M  %a,Second line format:  %Y/%m/%d

显示秒,First line format 值为:%H:%M:%S %a



(9) 任务栏图标排序方式

 Taskbar -> Task sorting -> 选择“None

(10) 不显示“任务栏”名称

Taskbar -> Desktop name -> 去掉勾选“Show desktop name”



自从不用 Deepin 自带的“任务栏”后,再也没遇到卡顿的现象!



参考:Ubuntu 14 添加Windows风格的底部任务栏


ThinkPad T470 + Deepin 15.9 的个性化设置

黄色值: #FFFF00



ThinkPad T470p 配置文件 备份:


#---- Generated by tint2conf 8b03 ----
# See https://gitlab.com/o9000/tint2/wikis/Configure for 
# full documentation of the configuration options.
# Backgrounds
# Background 1: Panel
rounded = 0
border_width = 0
border_sides = TBLR
background_color = #000000 60
border_color = #000000 30
background_color_hover = #000000 60
border_color_hover = #000000 30
background_color_pressed = #000000 60
border_color_pressed = #000000 30

# Background 2: Active task, Active taskbar, Default task, Iconified task, Launcher
rounded = 4
border_width = 1
border_sides = TBLR
background_color = #777777 20
border_color = #777777 30
background_color_hover = #aaaaaa 22
border_color_hover = #eaeaea 44
background_color_pressed = #555555 4
border_color_pressed = #eaeaea 44

# Background 3: 
rounded = 4
border_width = 1
border_sides = TBLR
background_color = #777777 20
border_color = #ffffff 40
background_color_hover = #aaaaaa 22
border_color_hover = #eaeaea 44
background_color_pressed = #555555 4
border_color_pressed = #eaeaea 44

# Background 4: Urgent task
rounded = 4
border_width = 1
border_sides = TBLR
background_color = #aa4400 100
border_color = #aa7733 100
background_color_hover = #cc7700 100
border_color_hover = #aa7733 100
background_color_pressed = #555555 4
border_color_pressed = #aa7733 100

# Background 5: Tooltip
rounded = 1
border_width = 1
border_sides = TBLR
background_color = #ffffaa 100
border_color = #000000 100
background_color_hover = #ffffaa 100
border_color_hover = #000000 100
background_color_pressed = #ffffaa 100
border_color_pressed = #000000 100

# Panel
panel_items = LTSC
panel_size = 100% 60
panel_margin = 0 0
panel_padding = 2 0 2
panel_background_id = 1
wm_menu = 1
panel_dock = 0
panel_position = bottom center horizontal
panel_layer = top
panel_monitor = all
primary_monitor_first = 0
autohide = 0
autohide_show_timeout = 0
autohide_hide_timeout = 0.5
autohide_height = 2
strut_policy = follow_size
panel_window_name = tint2
disable_transparency = 1
mouse_effects = 1
font_shadow = 0
mouse_hover_icon_asb = 100 0 10
mouse_pressed_icon_asb = 100 0 0

# Taskbar
taskbar_mode = single_desktop
taskbar_padding = 0 0 2
taskbar_background_id = 0
taskbar_active_background_id = 2
taskbar_name = 0
taskbar_hide_inactive_tasks = 0
taskbar_hide_different_monitor = 0
taskbar_always_show_all_desktop_tasks = 0
taskbar_name_padding = 4 2
taskbar_name_background_id = 0
taskbar_name_active_background_id = 0
taskbar_name_font = 微软雅黑 20
taskbar_name_font_color = #e3e3e3 100
taskbar_name_active_font_color = #ffffff 100
taskbar_distribute_size = 0
taskbar_sort_order = none
task_align = left

# Task
task_text = 1
task_icon = 1
task_centered = 1
urgent_nb_of_blink = 100000
task_maximum_size = 250 40
task_padding = 4 3 4
task_font = 微软雅黑 20
task_tooltip = 0
task_active_font_color = #ffff00 100
task_background_id = 2
task_active_background_id = 2
task_urgent_background_id = 4
task_iconified_background_id = 2
mouse_left = toggle_iconify
mouse_middle = none
mouse_right = none
mouse_scroll_up = none
mouse_scroll_down = none

# System tray (notification area)
systray_padding = 0 4 2
systray_background_id = 0
systray_sort = ascending
systray_icon_size = 24
systray_icon_asb = 100 0 0
systray_monitor = 1

# Launcher
launcher_padding = 2 4 3
launcher_background_id = 2
launcher_icon_background_id = 0
launcher_icon_size = 36
launcher_icon_asb = 100 0 0
launcher_icon_theme_override = 0
startup_notifications = 1
launcher_tooltip = 0
launcher_item_app = /usr/share/applications/doublecmd.desktop

# Clock
time1_format = %H:%M:%S %a
time2_format = %Y-%m-%d
time1_font = 微软雅黑 18
time1_timezone = 
time2_timezone = 
time2_font = 微软雅黑 18
clock_font_color = #ffffff 100
clock_padding = 2 0
clock_background_id = 0
clock_tooltip = 
clock_tooltip_timezone = 
clock_lclick_command = 
clock_rclick_command = orage
clock_mclick_command = 
clock_uwheel_command = 
clock_dwheel_command = 

# Battery
battery_tooltip = 1
battery_low_status = 10
battery_low_cmd = notify-send "battery low"
battery_font_color = #ffffff 100
battery_padding = 1 0
battery_background_id = 0
battery_hide = 101
battery_lclick_command = 
battery_rclick_command = 
battery_mclick_command = 
battery_uwheel_command = 
battery_dwheel_command = 
ac_connected_cmd = 
ac_disconnected_cmd = 

# Tooltip
tooltip_show_timeout = 0.5
tooltip_hide_timeout = 0.1
tooltip_padding = 2 2
tooltip_background_id = 5
tooltip_font_color = #222222 100